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Recent Works
We Offer Digital Solutions

Global Innovative Solutions is an innovative and environmentally friendly project. GSI aims to clean up the environment from water and air pollution, developing and financing activities and projects that are respectful of nature and ecologically sustainable.
Eco, Zero Waste, Sustainable, Green

The Diamond project was created to operate within the business wellness and tourism sector. The decision to focus on business wellness and tourism stems from the experience gained by the team over the years in these two sectors, which now travel hand in hand, so much so that both are usually referred to as wellness tourism.
Qr Code For Payments
Legnano coin

Project focused on the introduction into the market of the nascent LegnanoCoin, which initially joins the currency in circulation, then the euro, and subsequently supplants or at least marginalizes the current fiat currency.
Token to manage the economy of a municipality

By means of the PokerAces token, the team’s will is to carve out a space in the poker and gambling market in general; PKA wants to distinguish itself from its competitors by expanding the project and the game platform, with the right timing, identifying particular and original modes for each game, totally merging into the metaverse.
Like PokerStars but decentralized
Strong Education System

Strong Education System is a project concerning the education and training of children all over the world, especially in the most disadvantaged areas and countries. With the insertion and use of the SES token, they want to find a tool that can generate funds for the weakest.
Charity Token

New challenges always produces new markets and new opportunities. Fight The CO2 is the evolution in the global carbon credits market by simplifying market exchanges.
Carbon trading systems are nothing new and interest in them is leading to rapid growth as companies, countries and even individuals are trying to fight pollution. Fight The CO2 proposal mitigates the environmental crisis thanks to our partner, while also creating new market opportunities.
Eco, Zero Waste, Sustainable, Green
Gravity Metaverse

Gray Metaverse, a project set and totally immersed in the metaverse, permeated by the nascent futuristic conception that pervades the whole idea. Interaction from every point of view, to generate the largest metaverse of the entire solar system. The key to the mechanism and fixed point will obviously be the creation of your own token that will keep the entire Gray system in motion.
Metaverse, Game-Fi, Play-to-earn
MGP Token

The Mgptoken team has decided to pioneer and bring the opportunities offered by the blockchain into the world of two-wheeled engines, and in this case the world championship, and combine them with motorcycles and races with completely innovative ideas and purposes, as well as in some ways philanthropic.
The decentralized world of two-wheel racing

The goal is to bring together and attract all cryptonauts within what we can define as the first world cryptosocial. The Dibra Pound Sterling team and the DPS token aim to create a sort of Facebook reserved for trading, the economic and financial market, cryptocurrencies and above all governed by the DPS token, the real engine of the whole mechanism.
Social Network

U-Games is a project focused on gambling and casino, with the development of its own token to be used within the platform. U-Games wants to create a system with a life of its own and with the highest possible level of decentralization and security.
Gambling, Casino, Poker

Just a Game is a social network for sportsmen of all ages and levels, which allows you to connect all users united by a common passion for sport; it is a free platform, the user can register and immediately begin to explore the contents and interact with other users; will also be available in the app stores, always free of charge. Just a Game allows you to create direct contacts between all users, whether they are amateurs, professionals or even companies and create a social network projected exclusively to the world of sport, marrying it with the introduction of the JAG token.
Decentralized affiliation to the world of sport

Booing is a decentralized, user friendly cloud space, which will give anyone the possibility to archive their files on connected and distributed devices by splitting the files into millions of pieces and creating backups such that the files will remain indelible and unassailable. The peculiar aspect, which makes Booing unique on the market, is to use and exploit the free memory spaces on individual devices (smartphones and tablets) of any person who decides to join the project, sharing their giga for their own cloud. available with other users through the cloud designed by Booing. The second particular aspect lies in the fact of combining the entire project with its own token, the Booingcoin, whose value will be subject to the amount of space that will be “turned over” to the system
Rent your phone memory and make money.